Right-of-W​ay Services

Unauthorized Signs on Right-of-Way

Georgia DOT is cautioning political candidates and campaigns not to place signs on rights of way. Signs that are found on rights of way will be removed by Georgia DOT maintenance crews. ​


ITS Locates Program

This program locates and identifies any state-owned ATMS infrastructure that could be endangered by construction or maintenance projects on state-owned roads. This includes high count fiber optic cabling, power services, and underground enclosures known as pull boxes and ECB’s (electrical communication box). The infrastructure allows the Traffic Management Center to connect to surveillance, and monitoring equipment, as well as traffic signals and city and county Transportation Control Centers.

Right-of-Way Form



Prequalified Consultants

Please complete the prequalification application for right-of-way services.

Prequalification Application  Mentor Affidavit

How to Submit Applications

Completed applications must be emailed to the Office of Procurement at ROW-Procurement-PreQual@dot.ga.gov.
NOTE: Applicants should NOT submit applications directly to the Right of Way Office.


Renewal applications will be accepted on a monthly basis. A current license must be submitted with application in order to be processed. No other documentation is required if applicant is in good standing.


Please send any questions or comments concerning the application process to the following:
Transportation Services Procurement (TSP) Prequalification

Applications must be received before or by the 15th of the month to be processed. If application is not received by the 15th of the month, the application will be processed the following month.

Applicant interviews, when required or necessary, will be conducted once per month. The Right of Way Office section that oversees the discipline in which the applicant has applied for will make contact with the applicant to set up an interview. All submissions received after the application submittal deadline will be deferred to the ensuing monthly Interview Schedule.

Applications must be completed in full, signed and notarized and must include all required documentation that is identified in the application document. The Office of Procurement will conduct an initial review to confirm the application is signed, notarized and all required documentation is included with the submittal. Applications that meet all requirements will be sent to the Office of Right of Way for further review and consideration. Applications that are not signed and notarized and/or do not include all required documentation will be sent back to the applicant and will not be sent to the Office of Right of Way for review and consideration. Once the applicant provides the required documentation the application will be sent to the Office of Right of Way for review and consideration.

Prequalified Consultants Description

For more information about state's right-of-way program please contact the following:

Georgia Department of Transportation
State Right-of-Way Administrator
600 West Peachtree Street, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30308
(404) 347-0227

NOTE: Firms or individuals determined to be qualified for these services will now be prequalified for a period of three (3) years and may be contacted periodically to propose for work on Department projects for which they are prequalified. As these services are needed, GDOT will solicit for this work and only qualified contractors may submit bids for services in approved areas. It is the responsibility of the firm or individual to keep prequalification status current. Firms or individuals who allow their prequalification to expire will be removed from the prequalification listing(s). Firms or individuals must re-apply by following the instructions and guidelines above at least sixty (60) days prior to expiration or by the application submission deadline the quarter before expiration. GDOT does not send out notifications of prequalification expiration or alerts when information is removed from the listing(s).


Right of Way Brochure  

If Your Property is Needed for a Transportation Facility

This brochure explains why your property may be needed, what your rights are as a property owner and provides answers to frequently asked questions..



Timeline for Acquisitions

Setting a Schedule

Timeline Starts at ROW Authorization and Ends at Let Date

Variables 0-4
  9 Months
12 Months 18 Months 21 Months 24 Months 30 Months 36 Months
Simple, low-impact project, no Relo or Prop. Mgmt., no Special Parcels, low-density population              
Relocation and Property Mgmt. 1-10 Parcels Add 3 mos Add 3 mos Add 3 mos Add 3 mos Add 3 mos Time is Built-in Time is Built-in
Relocation and Property Mgmt. 11-20 Parcels   Add 6 mos Add 6 mos Add 6 mos Add 6 mos Time is Built-in Time is Built-in
Relocation and Property Mgmt. 20 + Parcels     Add 9 mos Add 9 mos Add 9 mos Time is Built-in Time is Built-in
Special Parcels Add 6 mos Add 6 mos Add 6 mos Add 6 mos Add 6 mos Time is Built-in Time is Built-in

SPECIAL NOTE: Plan revisions submitted after authorization have the potential to negatively impact schedule up to Nine (9) additional months.

Special Parcels are Rail Road, Utility, State/Federal/Local owned parcels

* These months will run Cumulative, so if you have more than one Variable use the one with the highest number of months​​​​​​​

Right of Way Manual​​​​​​

Right-of-Way Services Manual

The purpose of this manual is to serve as a reference guide to the organization, operation, policies and procedures for the Office of Right-of-Way.

View Manual​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

 ‭(Hidden)‬ CONTACTS

For more information about state's right-of-way program please contact the following:

Georgia Department of Transportation
State Right-of-Way Administrator
600 West Peachtree Street, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30308
(404) 347-0220