Georgia Statewide Aviation System Plan

Statewide Aviation Plan

The Georgia aviation system is a vital transportation link and economic support system consisting of 104 publicly-owned, public-use airports. The Georgia Statewide Aviation System Plan (GSASP) is used to identify recommendations to guide the development of Georgia’s aviation system.

System Plan

The GSASP is updated every 10-15 years, with the last update occurring in 2018. 

Airport Pavement Management Plan

The APMS is updated every 4-6 years, with the last update happening in 2018. The purpose of the APMS is to identify the current condition of Georgia’s airport pavement infrastructure and assist the Department and individual airports in prioritizing pavement maintenance needs.




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We want to hear from you.  Please send us your input about the statewide aviation system plan.
(404) 347-0484
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